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The classic button, in different colors, sizes, and states



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Class props

'Classes applied to the element'

Button component

The classic button, in different colors, sizes, and states



Prop nameDescriptionTypeValuesDefault
disabledButton will be disabledboolean-false
expandedButton will be expanded (full-width)boolean-false
iconLeftIcon name to show on the leftstring-
iconPackIcon pack to usestringmdi, fa, fas and any other custom icon pack
From config:
button: {
  iconPack: undefined
iconRightIcon name to show on the rightstring-
invertedEnable inverted styleboolean-false
labelButton label, unnecessary when default slot is usedstring-
loadingEnable loading styleboolean-false
nativeTypeButton type, like nativestringbutton, submit, reset"button"
outlinedEnable outlined styleboolean-false
overrideOverride existing theme classes completelyboolean-
roleAccessibility Role attribute to be passed to the button.string-
From config:
button: {
  role: "button"
roundedEnable rounded styleboolean-
From config:
button: {
  rounded: false
sizeSize of the controlstringsmall, medium, large
From config:
button: {
  size: undefined
tagButton tag nameDynamicComponentbutton, a, input, router-link, nuxt-link (or other nuxt alias)
From config:
button: {
  tag: "button"
variantColor variant of the controlstringprimary, info, success, warning, danger, and any other custom color
From config:
button: {
  variant: undefined


defaultOverride the label, default is label prop

Sass variables

Current theme ➜ Oruga

SASS VariableDefault
$button-border1px solid $button-background-color
$button-padding$control-padding-vertical 0.75em
$button-rounded-border-radiusvar( --#{$prefix}#{base-border-radius-rounded})

See ➜ 📄 Full scss file

Current theme ➜ Bulma

SASS VariableDefault
$button-shadowcss.getVar("focus-shadow-size") hsla( css.getVar("button-h"), css.getVar("button-s"), css.getVar("button-l"), css.getVar("focus-shadow-alpha") )

See ➜ 📄 Full scss file

Current theme ➜ Bootstrap

SASS VariableDefault

See ➜ 📄 Full scss file

Released under the MIT License.